MathLive Professional - Notebooks

Notebooks applicable to MathLive Professional only (MathLive Professional users can also use MathLive notebooks)

Example notebooks distributed with the current release of MathLive Professional

Simple planetary system

A notebook which constructs a simple planetary system consisting of Sun, Earth and Moon. Each object is built upon the same 3D Graphics using ParametricPlot3D. The objects are positioned, scaled and colored in MathLive Professional. The earth is then rotated around the sun and the moon around the earth.

Example of a small aircraft

This notebook creates a small aircraft and animates it.

Example of a chaotic attractor

A notebook which looks at the real time trajectory of the Lorenz Attractor. The evolution is shown as a static blue path and dynamically using spheres at equally spaced time intervals. This approach allows the visualisation of the evolution speed at different parts of the path.

Ferris wheel

A notebook which creates a fairground ferris wheel complete with rocking seats.

Wine bottle plus glasses

This notebook creates three glasses and tips the bottle into the top wine glass.

Chequered surface

A notebook which creates a chequered surface in MathLive Professional. The surface is colored purple and yellow on the top and black and white underneath.


This notebook creates an icosahedron and dodecahedraon in MathLive Professional which helps to provide an insight into the production of stellated forms of these two shapes. In addition, we illustrate how to change the current object touched - in this example we change its render mode to point, wireframe, flat or smooth shaded polygons.

Simple harmonic motion

This notebook demonstrates the idea of simple harmonic motion using a ball and spring model.

Worm gear

A notebook which creates a simple worm and mesh gear. Both parts are then rotated in a short list animation.

Tutorial notebooks distributed with the current release of MathLive Professional

Introductory tutorial

An introductory notebook which introduces users to MathLive Professional. The user is shown how to start and quit, how to create and send objects to MathLive Professional and finally how to create simple animations under Mathematica control.

Advanced tutorial

A notebook which shows the user how to use some of the more advanced functions built into MathLive Professional. The user is shown how to modify the attributes of an object, how to change the user's perspective and finally how to make use of all of the techniques to produce complex animations.

Reference manual

The definitive reference manual to MathLive Professional.

Trouble Shooting

What to do if MathLive Professional does not seem to work as you expect. This notebook contains a list of the most common causes of user error with solution