MathLive Mathlink

MathLinkLibrary on the PowerPC

MathLive and MathLive Professional will report an error and fail to load if they cannot find the file MathLinkLibrary. This is a problem which only affects users using PowerPCs and is easily solved.

MathLinkLibrary is a shared library and is needed by Mathematica and any other programs which make use of MathLink including MathLive and MathLive Professional. MathLinkLibrary is normally installed in the same folder as Mathematica. Unless MathLive, or MathLive Professional are in the Mathematica folder they will not be able to find it. Consequently the solution is either to place MathLive, or MathLive Professional, in the Mathematica folder or alternatively move MathLinkLibrary into the Extensions folder. This latter is the preferred option, but please note that you must then reboot your Macintosh in order for the library to be recognised.

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